
Testimonials from Our Friends...

CARE FOR DOGS (from their Facebook Page) · January 19

Volunteer Margaret teamed up with “Bitebuster” for the donation of security gloves for our team! We are blessed with many wonderful volunteers who show great commitment and support for our activities. Two of them are Margaret & Jeff who have volunteered with us almost since the beginning of Care for Dogs and have fostered many shy dogs, helped to socialize them or get them adopted, and love to take our shelter dogs for walks. On top of it Margaret asked us during her last stay in New York if she could bring back anything that we couldn’t get here. Our team suggested a pair of dog safety gloves that would help protect the staff when dealing with fearful or aggressive dogs. Thai dogs are normally not aggressive but when they need to be caught for sterilization or medical treatment they can sometimes try to bite out of fear.

After some online research Margaret found the website of “Bitebuster” who specialized in safetywear products for animal handlers (http://www.bitebuster.com/). She contacted them and asked if they could give a discount for the gloves she planned to order. It didn’t take long for Patty from Bitebuster to write back. As a small company Bitebuster doesn’t have a set program for charities in place but generously offered a free upgrade from "Bite Guantlet Extreme" for $89.95 to "The Beast", (normally $152.95). Sounds like with this type of glove there is nothing to be feared any more! Wonderful to have such thoughtful and pro-active volunteers & supportive companies who are willing to help non-profit organizations such as ours! Thanks so much, Margaret & Patty, our team is very grateful to be safer during dog handling thanks to your protection gloves!

     Karin Hawelka
CARE FOR DOGS Founder, Volunteer

Facebook Comments...
Robert Johnson . . . This product is simply amazing!
Barb Hautanen . . . What a wonderful gift!!
Jet Stardog . . . Brilliant.


Just wanted to let you know that the Beast gloves are fantastic! Don’t let Dumpling’s smile fool you…our little 18 pound female Frenchie has aggression and handling issues. Because Dumpling is especially cranky (and tends to bite) while at the vet or during bathing, these gloves are just what we needed. They are designed extremely well and provide protection without compromising flexibility allowing you to perform comfortably and safely. Working with our little Dumpling is getting better and we feel more confident (and safe) now with the gloves on.

THANK YOU so much Bitebuster!!!

Joy and Christopher Bonacci
Los Angeles, CA

I recently bought a sleeve and scratch busters glove set from you. While I don't use restraints on any Cat that I groom, there are the very few Cats with whom self protection is needed. I was asked to bath one of my boarders as the owner couldn't handle him.  I had just ordered my sleeve and gloves set and was waiting for them to arrive, which they soon did.
I would not have been able to handle this Cat without being damaged.  I donned the kit and was surprised how much more grip I had on a wet and soapy Cat.  I was able to bath him quickly while the sleeves and gloves were tested well. The design and coverage, especially around the back of the hand, served me well.  The gloves are so flexible. I have to bath
this Cat's brother next week, who is just as cranky, but now I have the confidence to handle him better and more efficiently without that inner fear that Cats are so good at picking up and using to their best advantage!

Thank you Bitebusters! I show everyone my armour when they ask me how do I bath a Cat!

Jarmila Raffaele
Catspell Cat Resort - Sydney, Australia

THE BEAST GLOVES . . . "The Best we Have Had"!

Paul Griffin Practice Manager from Pound Veterinary Clinic in Pound, VA writes
when asked how his veterinary techs liked the new BEAST gloves wrote......
The ladies really liked them; they say that the are "the best that we have had ". 
I saw the protection for myself, one of our technitions was wearing them today
when a feline in a very bad mood was trying his best to make her turn him loose
but with the gloves she didn't feel anything. The feline was definitely trying to
make a point! We are definitely satisfied and  we will be ordering  from you again.

Note to newer groomers:
If a dog is named "Precious," "Angel,"  or some other
overly sweet name, use  extreme caution!

Precious tips the scale at under 3 pounds.  She looks so cute! So, uh,PRECIOUS!  Until you touch her, and then she will go for your nearest finger with a vengeance.  And her teeth?   Green and fizzing.  The sort of mouth that if the dog bites you and breaks skin you will have a strong desire to just cut your hand off to try to prevent the infection that is sure to follow. 

Bite Buster gloves to the rescue!  I put one on my left hand, the hand I was holding the little dog with.  She spun and bit.  The look on her face when I never flinched?  PRICELESS! 

Bite Buster gloves are something I wish every groomer in the world had in their bag of tricks. 


My vet loaned me their pair of Bite Buster gloves over the weekend so that I could administer my dog's eye drops without getting bitten. The Vet Techs swore that the gloves would protect me against my dog biting me AND IT WAS TRUE!

I just received the pair of gloves I ordered from you and showed everyone in my office in case they ever need them. THANK you for a great product that REALLY WORKS!

Lisa E.
Cranston RI


I was at the pet industry trade show in Burbank, CA last weekend. I got the gloves and arm protectors from Ryan’s Pet Supplies. I am so impressed and PLEASED with your product! They have already paid me back for my investment.

Older nippy poodle, a matted Chow Chow, and a cat that HATES the nail trim were easy to handle with the gloves and arm protectors on. I had a lot of confidence when working on the pets, which made them easy to handle as I was not concerned about nips and scratches. I am going to post a product report on a groomer’s board stating my opinion that they are a necessary safety gear for a ny groomer or anyone working with animals where they might be bitten. I will be getting a couple of more pairs in the near future. Thanks for a great product!

Bonnie Hayslett
Owner of Bubbles and Clips Mobile Pet Grooming


“Bitebuster gloves and sleeves work wonderfully for retaining control over fractious animals while reducing the risk to the handler. I had an anaphylaxic reaction to a contaminated needle while working with a cat several years ago. Afterwards, I was reluctant to work with the fractious cats that came into the clinic. Bitebuster’s equipment has allowed me to continue practicing veterinary medicine with confidence and reduced the risk to myself when dealing with difficult animals. I would recommend this product to any facility that works with animals.”

Kimberly Focht DVM 2006


Dear Bitebuster:
Thank you for sending the L/XL gloves so quickly! I am so happy not to be scratched and bitten anymore. I know that at one time or another, all of us pet owners and animal handlers wished for protection for our hands and fingers that really worked. Thank you for taking the action we had wanted for so long. I will certainly recommend Bitebusters to everyone!

Bernadette Amaker
Los Angeles, CA


I received my parcel today and am totally rapt in the gloves!!! They fit well and are just AWESOME!!! You're a GEM to send the sleeve!! It is going to come in handy for sure!!! I have already been patting Willy (a little rescue dog that bites like crazy!) loads with them on and intend to start picking him up and getting him used to me wearing them....They give me a confidence I didn't have before and Willy didn't even have a go at me while I was wearing them...I think it made me less fearful and Willy picked up on that and got more confident and less fearful and so didn't bite...and that is worth it's weight in gold Patty!!!

He has had a bitten a few times now but only when we have to do his necessities like cleaning and when putting him down after being picked up...but guess what??... no wounds for me!! YAY...My hands remain intact thanks to the Biter Buster Gloves!! It's AWESOME!! I have been able to play with him and handle him and even cuddle him without fear of the big chomp and that is helping Willy out enormously ...everyday I am able to do things with him is a step towards his recovery from a painful past...=o) I sure hope he will be cuddling on my lap soon and yeppers, I sure do believe it's possible because as I gain in confidence, thanks to the gloves, so does he and the best is yet to come, I just know it!!

Thank you sooo much for all your help and for the opportunity to purchase such an AMAZING product!!   Bitebuster.com and you guys are BRILL!!!

A very grateful Karen and Willy!

What is the 'BiteBuster' System?

It is the latest development in protective sleeves and gloves custom made for pet professionals. This line of safety wear is constructed from specially formulated polymers that offer the best in bite and scratch resistance while at the same time retaining dexterity and mobility.
The major polymers used for our line of safety wear include different combinations of KEVLAR®, nitrile rubber, polyuretehane, dyneema, and rexine.
U.S. Patent # 7200870

Everyone knows there is an inherent risk of bites and scratches from working with animals, but here are some facts associated with them that you may find interesting……

*Approximately 800,000 dog bites and
500,000 cat bites are reported annually!

Over 130 disease-causing microbes have been isolated from dog and cat bite wounds. Bacteria in the saliva can cause infections such as Pasteurella, Streptoccal, Staphyloccal, and even Capnocyto-phaga which can lead to Septicemia, or blood poisoning which in some people can be fatal!

Two-fifths of nonfatal occupational injuries associated with dogs are from dog bites resulting in days away from work. Almost all of these cases involve the hands and fingers!

Almost ALL occupational injuries involving days away from work that are associated with cats are from bites and scratches! Two thirds of the injuries are from bites alone. Four-fifths involve the arms, hands and fingers!

Cat scratches account for more abrasions severe enough to require days away from work than any other mammal!

Preventing one of these injuries will more than pay for these products!

BiteBuster products were created by pet professionals
... for pet professionals.

* Information obtained by: The Bureau of Labor Statistics multiyear data.
Article: Are Animals Occupational Hazards? Drudi, Dino. Fall 2000.
What You Should Know About Animal Bites, Vetmed 1su.edu Pets-the Good,
the Bad and the Bites, Foreman, Judy Boston Globe; 1997.

BiteBuster® Products are Not for Resale.

Bitebuster® products are intended for internal use only, and not for resale,
unless previous agreement has been made with Bitebuster®.

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